30 Days of Sex Talks 3-7yrs


Written by parents and reviewed by professionals, 30 Days of Sex Talks makes it simple for you and your child to talk about sex in the context in which it belongs; as part of a healthy relationship that also includes joy, laughter and the full range of emotion that defines human intimacy.
We’ve broken down “the talk” into 30 uncomplicated “chats” to make it simple for you to engage in these critical conversations with your young child. Starting with My Body Belongs to Me, and moving into other protective information such as I have Instincts that Keep Me Safe, and Boundaries


Even from an early age (as soon as your child can use a cell phone or tablet), your child can easily come across messages from media or online sources that are incomplete, misleading or even dangerous. This is why it is vital for you to establish yourself as the first, best source of information for your child when it comes to topics relating to intimacy. You know and love your child better than anyone, so you will know which topics to start with and which to save for later.

Ages: 3-7years

Author: Dina Alexander